Am I really mentally incapacitated?
This is the biggest lie that my POA agents and their lawyers are perpetuating with legal actions (CV19-81051). There are two law firms representing the plaintiffs, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP and Merovitz Potechin LLP. I remain helpless as we do not have funds to contest, as the agents are using all of the assets that the POA agents took away from me to be used against me. In my opinion, they are believers in the Donald Trump strategy to dispense confusion no matter what cost. I fear for my life and I do not know what I have done to deserve all this? Where are my rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedom Act?
My POA agents have hired two of the Ontario licensed capacity assessors, a fake and uncertified Dr. Leonard Burnstein in 2017 and Dr. F. Sarazin in 2018 to have me declared incapacitated. I have hired my own assessor, Dr. Barbara Collins Phd in 2018, who reported that I am not. Since then, the agents are making sure that I am never assessed again by a professional that is out their, including public hospitals. To secure this strategy, the agents are physically holding me totally isolated and captive, with contributing to my mental agony. I live under constant fear and intimidation.
We held meeting with my lawyer, my wife and my friends on 2019-Sept.
Video Record 1
Many of the main issues..
Some boxes are under development
Joe Overveld vs Joe Overveld?
View Current Court Files
Pending Outline for Editors contribution.
Pending Outline for Editors contribution.
> passing of accounts issues
> denial to have Joe's retained forensic auditor to investigate
>Why are my children doing this. Joe is past 90, and they could have inherited everything with a little patience.
>investigate possible links of missing funds to Joy's financing of the CV17-73847 action
Following the missing money.
Legal Firms & Ethics
Merovitz Potechin LLP behavior
KMH Law - Miriam Peters Conflict
Ottawa Police refuses to accept Police Report
OPP response that it is not in their scope
OPGT Investigation section states that they do not respond when a POA is in existence.
The institutions recommends to use a lawyer. However the lawyers have been requesting for a police investigation since they have no vested authority to do so.
Pending Outline for Editors contribution.
> letter to policere: reports and inaction
> articles from Law Times
> evidences of police refusal to accept report interpreting the judge's assumed orders on who can submit the reports.
>List of violations to Obstruction of Justice s.39(1)
Police refuses to help.
Pending Outline for Editors contribution..
> List of Layers, Plaintiffs and Respondents
About Leonard Burnstein :
Set loose and unaccountable, they become such a destructive and terrifying threat to the elderly.
BLG Defamation Action
Capacity Assessment Office
Pending Outline for Editors contribution:
> about Dr. F. Sarazin
> about Dr. V. Bruto
The COVID-19 recipe for more abuse
Pending Outline for Editors contribution.
>House Rules
>Health Report Obstruction
Charter of rights and freedom are not for old men.
Pending Outline for Editors contribution.